Don’t let pain keep you from living the life you want

In the pursuit of our favorite activities, we sometimes put our bodies through more than we should. The idea of having to slow down, stop your favorite activities or sitting around at home all day is awful. It’s aggravating and disheartening when pain or injuries keep you from enjoying your day.

Are you

  • avoiding specific actions or movements due to pain?

  • missing out on activities, workouts, or sports you love?

  • consistently pushing through the pain?

  • starting to accept that you may have to live with your pain?

  • noticing the pain returns, even after working with professionals?

  • sick of being told to “rest and take it easy” with no improvement ?

Many people are told that the headaches/migraines, back pain, joint pain, and muscle aches they experience are just something that they have to live with. But that’s not true! Pain is a symptom, it’s our body’s way of letting us know that something is causing it harm. There is a reason for the current pain and you don’t have to remain in that pain.

We are different from the traditional massage therapy that you may be familiar with.

Neurosomatic Massage Therapy is a cutting-edge form of massage therapy that can often fix the most stubborn of injuries by addressing the primary issue instead of just managing symptoms repeatedly. By taking a holistic look at your entire body, how you move, your posture, injury history, and how you have been compensating. We are able to look for the source of the pain and create a personalized neurosomatic massage therapy treatment plan tailored to you.

As a trained Neurosomatic Massage Therapist I’ve helped clients

Let Optimal Performance Massage Therapy help you get back to being active, optimal functioning, and living every day on your terms and pain free!

Contact us.

To schedule your first appointment or if you have any general questions please fill out the form below or contact us directly at 630-885-8002. We typically try to respond within the same day as you contact us.  

You will receive a response within 24 hours, or the next business day if you reach out on the weekend or a holiday.

We look forward to helping you get back to functioning optimally!